Chinese translation for "pony ma"
- 马化腾
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Tencent ceo pony ma won may fourth medal for youth in guangdong province 腾讯ceo马化腾荣获“广东青年五四奖章” | | 2. | Win the laurel - wef awarded pony ma , tencent ceo as the young global leader 腾讯公司获达沃斯论坛殊荣马化腾入选“全球青年领袖” | | 3. | Tencent ceo pony ma named " 2004 economic influentials - innovation " by cctv 腾讯总裁马化腾荣获" 2004cctv中国经济人物年度新锐奖 | | 4. | Tencent chairman and ceo pony ma named " 2004 economic influentials innovation " by china s cctv 腾讯主席马化腾荣获“ 2004 cctv中国经济年度人物年度新锐奖” | | 5. | Tencent chairman pony ma named 2004 global business influentials and awarded the 4th bauhinia cup outstanding entrepreneur 腾讯主席马化腾入选2004年全球最具影响力商界人士并获第四届紫荆花杯杰出企业家奖 | | 6. | On december 28 , 2004 , tencent ceo pony ma was named " 2004 economic infuentials - innovation " by china central television cctv in beijing . the award came shortly after mr . ma was named " 2004 global business influentials - new ceo " by u . s . magazine time 北京时间12月28日, 2004 cctv中国经济年度人物评选结果在京揭晓,来自深圳的腾讯计算机系统有限公司总裁兼ceo马化腾荣膺" 2004 cctv中国经济年度人物年度新锐奖" 。 |
- Similar Words:
- "pony express" Chinese translation, "pony girder" Chinese translation, "pony inc" Chinese translation, "pony insulator" Chinese translation, "pony ladle" Chinese translation, "pony mixer" Chinese translation, "pony motor" Chinese translation, "pony of a small roughcoated breedd" Chinese translation, "pony packer" Chinese translation, "pony pieces skin piates" Chinese translation